Posts tagged Finlay
Deepening conversations around young men's mental health

This year, World Mental Health Day's leading campaign is to ‘make mental health and wellbeing a global priority’. Wellbeing and mental health is a key feature of the work here at the Lab to improve outcomes for children and young people. NHS digital estimate that 1 in 6 young people have a diagnosable mental illness, with many 5 – 16 year olds reporting experiencing low mood, anxiety and eating disorders.

Last year, we joined forces with the Mental Health Foundation, Black Thrive and Colourful Minds on the “Becoming a Man” (BAM) project, a US-born programme developed by Youth Guidance, aimed at exploring and supporting young men to learn and practice impulse control and emotional regulation, among other social skills. Our job as the evaluators is to establish whether and how BAM might be feasible to deliver in Lambeth, South London.

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Reimagining Help: Three things we learned through co-designing a ‘Good Help’ guide

Those who know us well will know this is a departure from our area of focus: children, young people, and families. But supporting the use of evidence through co-design and rapid iteration is at the heart of our work. That is why we teamed up with Nesta, the British Heart Foundation (BHF), Macmillan Cancer Support and UCL on the ‘Reimagining Help’ guide, a toolkit for service and system leaders to design support that helps people reach the goals that matter most to them.

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Rebalancing power in research: a chat with Chicago Beyond

At Dartington, and across our sector, we know that co-production is an important feature of good service design and research. But how can we practice what we preach? Chicago Beyond and their partners have been trying to meet this challenge head-on. An impact investor focused on improving young people’s life chances, they’ve called out the power imbalance that often characterises social research and taken big strides to help them and others do something about it. Here, Finlay Green explains what he learned after reaching out to them earlier this year.

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