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Renfrewshire Council, Renfrewshire Health & Social Care Partnership, Dartington Service Design LabEngage Renfrewshire and partners from across the voluntary sector are undertaking a multi-year System Change Initiative (2018-2022).

The initiative is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund Early Action System Change Fund which seeks to tackle the root causes of inequality. We focused on mental health and coercive control in adolescent relationships.

You can read all about what has been achieved in this initiative and the different phases and methods below.

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Over 10,000 children and young people across Renfrewshire participated in the ChildrenCount Wellbeing Survey. It provided a robust snapshot of need and service use to inform Children’s Services strategic priorities.



The partnership has mapped service provision, financial spend and existing evidence to better understand the priority issues and opportunities for intervention.



More than 500 young people and families participated in the insight workshops which explored their perceptions, priorities and experiences around coercive control and wellbeing. Between 10 voluntary organisations undertook co-design workshops with young people and families to generate systemic approaches to the priority issues building on the findings so far. These have now been launched in a public event ‘Change Up’ and online for others to use and to inspire systems change.

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The partnership is a public and voluntary sector partnership - comprised of Renfrewshire Council, Health and Social Care Partnership, Dartington Service Design Lab and Engage Renfrewshire.

The partnership works in close collaboration with a range of voluntary sector colleagues with expertise and experience of working with young people and families to promote emotional well-being and tackle coercive control.

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