Tim Hobbs, PhD


tim.hobbs@dartington.org.uk | 07856 686820 | @tim_hobbs_lab | DEVON

Tim is responsible for shaping the ideas and strategic direction of Dartington and for the general oversight and running of the charity.

Tim has spent more than two decades working with numerous public systems, charities and foundations to help shape a series of bold investments and experiments designed to improve child outcomes. Underpinning all his work is a deep commitment to generating and using evidence, fused with human-centred and systemic design approaches.

Tim is CEO of Dartington Service Design Lab, a Visiting Professor at UCL (School of Psychology and Language Sciences) and a 2021 Fellow of Practice at the Government Outcomes Lab (Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University). He joined the Dartington Social Research Unit as a Researcher in 2004, later becoming Head of Data and Analytics. He was appointed as the first Director (now CEO) of the Dartington Service Design Lab in April 2017. He holds a first-class BSc in Psychology and Criminology and a PhD in Social and Policy Sciences